Psychedelic Drugs: A Mind-expanding Hallucinogens




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  • Shreyasee Das Department of Nursing Sciences, VCON, Harsha Institutions, Bengaluru, India.
  • Rahul Shil Department of MSN (Neuroscience), VCON, Harsha institutions. Bengaluru, India.


Psychedelics are mainly from the class of psychoactive substances whose action is to produce changes in the perception, mood, cognitive behavior, and processes of a person. This psychedelic drug creates an alteration in a person’s thinking, sense of time, and emotions. Hallucinations can be a main cause for people who take psychedelics. Mainly, these psychedelic drugs have been used since ancient times. The most famous psychedelics that were used abundantly were magic mushrooms, mescaline, and DMT, which people used for smoking, swallowing, or inhaling. Mushrooms were usually eaten fresh, cooked, or mixed with tea. Occasionally, people of the ancient period used to take it with tobacco or cannabis. The common forms of NBOMe are inactive when swallowed; the most common methods of taking them are under the tongue, held on the cheek, or snorted. Some types of psychedelic drugs, such as psilocybin and MDMA (ecstasy), have helped in therapies for treatment-resistant depression and post-traumatic stress disorder

How to Cite

Das, S., & Shil, R. (2024). Psychedelic Drugs: A Mind-expanding Hallucinogens. Indian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 27(01), 90–96.


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